Friday, June 3, 2016



Mrs. Twenge

English 2 Intensive

3 June 2016


In William Golding’s novel, Lord of the Flies, summary of the book the war happen and they got stuck on the island. Jack has red hair and is twelve years old. Jack and Adolf Hitler are dictators because they use violence to keep their power, limit free speech and steal their power. 

Jack and Hitler both used violence and fear gain and keep power. On the site “Think exist,” it states, “Violence isn’t always evil what’s evil was the infatuation with violence’’ (1). The Jews were killed when they got to the camp that’s what they decided to do and Hitler ruled them. Golding writes, “There were no words, no movements but the tearing of teeth and claws.” (3). Jack encouraged the boys to kill Simon. After that, he ruled through fear. Jack and Hitler both killed people to keep their followers afraid and weak.

Jack and Hitler limit free speech. Poem hunter states, “All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate its ‘self to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach’’ (2). Hitler silenced his people because he only wanted his voice to be heard. Golding writes, The conch doesn’t work on this end of the island.” (3) Jack only wanted his voice to be heard because they would break the rules. Jack and Hitler got their voices out there so that they could limit the free speech of others.

Jack and Hitler both stole their power. “Fresh Quotes” states, “Germany will either be a world power or will not be at all.” (2) Hitler felt that Germany deserved to have the power. Hitler wanted Germany to have power, so that he could have power. Golding writes, "He isn't a proper chief…He's a coward himself.'' (3). He wants power and he will take it from Ralph. Jack feels that he deserves to have power. Jack and Hitler do not respect their people, because they are going to rule anyway.  

Jack and Hitler are dictators because they use violence to keep their power, limit free speech, and steal their power. Jack and Hitler ruled and ruined everything. They were bad leaders because they did not care about any rules but their own.            















Works Cited

1.      "Adolf Hitler Quote." BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 03 June 2016.

2.      Adolf Hitler Quotes - Quotes of Adolf Hitler Poem Hunter. "Adolf Hitler Quotes –

Quotes of Adolf Hitler Poem Hunter." N.p., n.d. Web. 03 June 2016.

3.      Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. New York: Penguin, 2003. Print.

4.      "Jim Morrison Quote." BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 03 June 2016.





Monday, March 14, 2016

Viviana Paniagua March 13, 2016 Period 4 Childhood Memory My favorite childhood memory is when I went to Napa Valley to visit some of my dad’s family I was about 8 years old. We arrived to their house on a Friday night at 8:00pm they had some food ready for us we took a long time getting their due to traffic but got their safety. Then we all were talking and my little cousin overheard the parents talking about that we should go to this place that is 3 hours away but it’s such a great place to take all of us that weekend especially because it was 105 degrees so it was a perfect time to go to Water World. The parents said all of you guys come over here we have some good news to say you know kids at that age are all like what is it we all started jumping of the excitement. It’s a family trip that’s the best thing to do with everyone together it makes it more fun for all of us. Later, that night we all left to Walmart to go buy some cloths for Water World. We packed everything that we were going to take for our trip then we all went to bed. The next day which was Saturday we all woke up early got ready and left to Water World around 8:00 stopped half way to go eat somewhere. Finally, we had arrived to Water World it was not that full of people which was a good thing so we would just enter fast. All I heard was kids screaming on the rides, the rides were all different colors it was hot and just felt good to see the water. We finally got inside the Park the first one we got in was a pool but you had to go on a slide to get inside everyone got in quick besides me I didn’t know how to swim it was pretty deep. My dad was convincing me to get in he was there to hold me and I refused to get in so he told me if you don’t get in we will never come back to Napa Valley I was a kid at that time so I just went in because I wanted to come back when we would have a chance too. After I got in my uncle Carlos got me and put me under the water but good thing he was there to hold me or else I could have drown. I took my little cousin to where there was slides so we all got on and it was fun there. There was this ride where you go on a float and my mom was just pushing me around it was nice because there was a tunnel where you can go under. Finally, we all took a picture there and left Water World that was an important childhood memory to me to not be scared to try new things just do it and if you don’t like it don’t do it again simple as that.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


I knew that china is the world's most populous country in East Asia. I think that the only job that's very known thing in china is the factory where they make things. That's where the majority of people work. I would actually visit china one day it's interesting how they do there things. Finally, later on in the future if I would get a chance I would visit china with my older sister since she has been there before and said good things about china.

First of all, I didn't use Prezi because I didn't have enough time to try it out. Honestly I would probably try it out for the next presentation we have but not sure since I don't really know about it. Working with the PowerPoint is easy I have had so much experience with it and like using it. Easy bib was a struggle having to put so much little information stuff that is not needed. I could have put more color, and info that could have made my presentation much better.